Baltic Sea Anomaly


The Claim
There’s an ancient alien ship made of stone at the bottom of the Baltic sea


Now the claim itself may sound like yet another crazy conspiracy theory, and maybe it is, but the difference between all the other claims of UFO sighting and the Baltic sea anomaly is that its just sitting right there at the bottom of the ocean for anyone who has the equipment to dive down to and see.


The object wasn’t discovered until June of 2011 when a diving team called “Ocean X”, led by Swedish explorer Peter Lindberg came across it by chance after looking for a shipwreck in the area. They presented their findings and a study was conducted by the university of Stockholm to determine exactly what it is.


They came to the conclusion that the object was formed thousands of years ago and moved here with a glacier during the last ice age. After conducting tests on pieces of the anomaly gathered during a dive, an associate professor of geology at Stockholm university said “I was surprised when I researched the material I found a great black stone that could be a volcanic rock.

“My hypothesis is that this object, this structure was formed during the Ice Age many thousands of years ago.
“Because the whole northern Baltic region is so heavily influenced by glacial thawing processes, both the feature and the rock samples are likely to have formed in connection with glacial and post glacial processes.


The object is 26 feet tall and 210 feet long and appears to be made of various types of stone. The non supernatural explanation is that it is just a piece of rock that was carved into its shape by glaciers and the sea and was transported here from its original location during the last ice age.


This explanation doesn’t quite convince everyone though, as many theories of what it could be range from crashed UFO to secret Nazi super weapon to part of an ancient city.


One of the strangest things about it is that there appears to be a long drag mark about the width of the object for several hundred feet leading up to it, and not to mention it appears to be sitting on a round column type base.



So there’s a UFO in the Baltic sea, Could that be true?


Well probably not as it does appear to be made of stone throughout. The original team that found it did report that their electronics stopped working within 200m of the object, and then came back on line when moving away from it, but the anomaly doesn’t appear to have any type of transmitting equipment.


Perhaps the level of technology is beyond our understanding and it really is something extra terrestrial, or maybe it just a big rock.


The only thing that doesn’t have a sufficient explanation is the straight lines on the object, and what appears to be a set of stairs. Also the level of symmetry and sharp right angles are something that nature doesn’t produce in this way, making it more possible to be something that was made perhaps by an ancient civilisation than an alien ship.