Since humans have been on this planet for so long, it seems strange how little we know about the waters that surround us. The sea is by far the most unexplored area we have discovered, with only around 5% being officially mapped.

What remains under the rest of the water has never been seen by the human eye, and could contain things we would never dream of. Here’s a list of 5 of the weirdest things we have discovered so far on the ocean floor.


1) The Baltic sea anomaly


This strange object was discovered in the middle of the Baltic sea in 2011 when a diving team were searching the area for shipwrecks. The object appears to be made entirely of stone, but if that’s true then it would weigh hundreds of tons as its diameter is 200 feet across.

If this was made by humans it would be impossible to drag such a heavy single piece of stone, especially while keeping it in one piece. If the object was carved from rock already in place it would make it over 140,000 years old, as this was the last time this region was above sea level.

Since it looks like a U.F.O most people have suggested that its an alien ship that only appears to be made of rock, which would also explain the giant 300 meter long sliding mark that leads up to it. Other explanations contain things like its a natural rock formation and it was carved out the way it was from ocean currents, but this doesn’t explain anything about how the perfect right angles and symmetry came about


2) The Yonaguni Complex


Located close to the coast of Yonaguni, the southernmost of the Ryukyu Islands in Japan, this temple like structure was discovered in 1985 by a tour guide giving diving tours. It appears to be a series of stone shelves that lead up to a main worshipping area, but also includes a rather unusual layout for the other features.

There are strange columns and oddly placed platforms that seem to serve no purpose, along with a 33ft long wall and large carvings of what appear to be stars. Again most people claim that its a natural formation, but the chances of it being layed out so well with so many right angles and detailed pieces seems impossible.

The most likely explanation would be that its an ancient monument, but the problem with this would be that if it was built when the water level was low enough, it would make it no less than 50,000 old, a time when people weren’t really “people” and didn’t even know how to make fire.


3) Lake Michigan Stone Hedge


Somewhere in Lake Michigan is an underwater shrine like structure that contains carvings of what appear to be extinct animals. The site was found by accident after a diver was looking for treasure in the area, but since its located within an Indian reservation its location has been kept secret.

The strangest thing about this one is that the stone pillars surrounding the center have carvings of animals such as the Mastodon, an ancestor of the elephant who died out around 8000 BC. Also the area of the lake wouldn’t have been above ground since long before then, which suggests that the human race is much older than we think, or its a very well put together hoax.


4) Locomotive Graveyard


Sitting off the coast of New Jersey in the US, are two reasonably well preserved trains that date from the 1850’s. This may not seem strange in itself, but the thing is not only does no one have any idea how they got there, but there’s also no records of them of any kind.

Normally when something like a train is built it costs a huge amount of money, and America in the 1800’s were quite insistent on records financial dealings. Yet there’s no mention of the cost, construction or literally anything to do with either train, and neither contains any kind of identifying serial numbers or manufacturers mark.

As for how they got in the middle of the sea is any ones guess, but today they provide a popular tourist spot for diving.


5) Lost Cities


The current sea level of earth hasn’t always been so high, and in the past the coast line was many miles further out than it is today. Over the years divers have made some incredible discoveries of settlements built within these now underwater areas, including the city of Heracleion in Egypt, the City Of Dwarka in India, and a strange complex located off the west coast of Cuba.

All of the confirmed finds have been well documented and are now tourist attractions for anyone with an interest in diving.