If you were to ask someone on the street who they thought the most evil organisation in history is, they’d probably just say the Nazi’s. As brutal and cruel as they were, they are also pretty far from being the worst and classifying such a large group made up of so many independent divisions seems unfair when it comes to accuracy.

So who were the most evil organisations in history?


1) Unit 731


At number 1 on the list is Unit 731 who take the title of the most evil organisation in history. During the 1930’s Japan invaded China and committed some horrific war crimes, but the creation of unit 731 was the worst.


This was a human testing research facility set up to develop new chemical and biological weapons, as well as experiment on living people in various ways. Experimental surgery were certain organs were taken out or attached to others just to see what happened wasn’t even the worst way to go.


They would force a number of male prisoners to rape female prisoners were one of them would be infected with syphilis. The pregnant women would then be cut up while still alive, along with the baby to see how the disease was progressing internally, and all without anesthetic.


Other treatments included freezing limbs solid and cutting them off at certain points to see the effects when they thawed, tying people to stakes and placing explosives at certain distances to observe the damage, and subjecting victims to lethal amounts of X-rays. The reason this takes the top spot for being the most evil is because the guards had absolutely no regard for the prisoners, often raping the women and torturing the men just for fun. Not a single person survived unit 731 and it was responsible for the deaths of almost half a million people.


2) Khmer Rouge


This was the popular name given to the far-left communist group led by Pol Pot. They were the enforcers of a leader with a very dangerous ideology which led to the deaths of 25% of the entire population of Cambodia.


The idea Pol Pot had was to reset the country down to a basic working class level were everyone was equal, and to do this he killed anyone that wasn’t one of his followers. If you had a good Job, an education or were generally doing OK for yourself, then that meant you were a higher class and had to be killed.


The most well known icon of his campaign is probably “the killing fields”, which were simply just normal farmers fields, but he was known to round up whole villages and make them run over open ground while his men shot at them. The reason this group makes the list is because of their ruthlessness as no one of any age or sex was spared. If you were the baby of a couple with a good job then you were on the list of people who needed to die.


What makes the actions of the Khmer Rouge even worse is that the average age of one of their soldiers was 16, which led to a whole generation of young people growing up mentally scared from a brutal conflict they didn’t understand.


3) Central American Cartels


Even though these groups are still very much around, they have been active for decades and so make the list. These groups control almost all of the worlds cocaine production and make a ridiculous amount of money doing so. All this money has led to fierce competition between cartels and the authorities, to the point were the most violent win.


Violence tops out at a certain point which is too high for most people to imagine, but the things the cartels do to people in order to be feared have reached a point were they simply cant be more brutal.


Skinning someones child alive or dissolving someones parents in acid while forcing a victim to watch are just ways of making a point for the cartels. When one group does something bad to another, they respond by doing something worse and eventually it gets to a point were you cant actually get any more brutal. Parts of Central America are a battle ground were things like this happen on a daily basis and due to the amount of money involved don’t seem to be stopping any time soon.


4) The Hutu Militias of 1994


In the country of Rwanda there are two main groups of people, the Hutu’s and the Tutsi. In the past these groups haven’t always gotten along and every now and then a conflict will erupt. In 1994 there were two main hard-line Hutu groups called the Interahamwe and Impuzamugambi militias, both of which were supported by various high ranking Hutu members of the government.


After the assassination of the countries president the Hutu led government allowed the genocide of the Tutsi population, something they had apparently planned for more than a year. The two militias raped and murdered their way across an entire country on a mission to kill anyone that wasn’t a supporter or their group.


Around half a million women were raped and close to 1 million civilians of all ages were killed. The reason they make the list is due to how rare it is that a group of this size can be entirely sociopathic, with horrific war crimes being carried out by the vast majority of the members and not just certain divisions or individuals.


5) Communist Party of China


Communistic countries have always had major problems throughout their history, but non of them beat the death count of the biggest mass murderer of all time, Mao Zedong. He became the leader of the communist party in 1943 and remained so until his death in 1976. He made many mistakes from the start but his worst failure was between 1958 and 1962 when he killed 45 million people.


He was trying to remake the state to match the markets of the western world and forced the peasant class to work on whatever he wanted. He forced people to work in factories and on farms for no pay, leaving them no time to grow their own food or earn money to pay their tax’s.


People were basically told they had to work all day or they’d be shot, but also if they don’t pay your tax’s then they’ll be taken as a slave and made to work all day. Stealing anything was punished by having something chopped off or just being executed, no matter if it were an adult or a hungry child stealing some rice. Women were frequently raped by the guards and parents were forced to bury their children alive if they didn’t work hard enough.


During the four year period between 1958 and 1962 around 45 million people died, but as the party has existed for longer than the rule of this one leader the death count caused overall by this organisation is put as high as 75 million people.