The human race as we know it today is believed to be around 200,000 years old. The oldest fossils found of what we recognise as modern day humans date from around this time, but before that other species such as the Homo erectus and neanderthals roamed the earth.


Its thought that people evolved from these other species into what we recognise today as “Human”. The oldest settlement on earth is called Göbekli Tepe and was built around 8000 BC, before this time there is literally no evidence of humans doing anything significant. Metal wasn’t used at this time and everyone lived a hunter gatherer lifestyle as they were to primitive to create anything significant.


That’s what makes the following finds even more puzzling, as modern day humans didn’t exist at the times they have been dated to.

The London Hammer


In 1934 someone found a strange looking rock one day while out for a walk, after taking it home it was eventually broken open to reveal what appeared to be an old hammer. The rock was presumed to be from the Ordovician period which ended over 41 million years ago. The handle of the hammer seems to have partly turned into coal, a process that takes millions of years and cannot be artificially recreated.

If the hammer is genuine it would mean that humans not only existed long before people think they did, but that we also didn’t evolve from other species, or at least not the ones we believe so.

An argument against is that the hammer was lost and the surrounding rock dissolved over time and re-mineralised around the hammer, sort of like a fast forming stalactite. The rock in the area it was found in is indeed many millions of years old, and the rock surrounding the piece is made of the same material, but the process of it dissolving and re-forming around the hammer could make it less that 200 years old.


The Fossilised Human Hand


This fossil was apparently found within Cretaceous rock which would make it at least 79 million years old. There’s very little information on this one but the claim is floating around in enough places to give it a mention. Apparently the hand has turned into stone, a process that take millions of years but for some unknown reason no other parts of the skeleton were found.


Fossilised finger


The tissues within the finger seem to have been replaced with Cretaceous rock, making it between 79 and 145 million years old. Even though it looks like a finger, it very closely resembles burrows made by the Thalassmoides shrimp that are quite commonly found within the same type of rock.


The Ancient Hand print


The claim of this ones age also comes from the type of rock it was found in, which was again cretaceous. The main problem is that its nothing more than a claim, as the owner refuses to let anyone inspect it and cannot prove he found it in the bedrock he says he did.

There are numerous other small things that have been found which if genuine, would make our race tens of millions of years older than we thought and disprove the theory of evolution. These include the Burdick Track, a human foot print in Cretaceous rock and the Alvis Delk footprint, which appears to be a human footprint that’s overlapped by a dinosaur footprint.


So in conclusion is the human race much older than we think?

No, no it isn’t. Sorry to disappoint but all the the so called artifacts can easily be explained away with science, and if they were genuine it would raise so many more questions than it answers. With humans populating the world with the ability to work metal how come we’ve found nothing more than a single hammer and a couple of footprints, why no settlements or graves or literally anything that showed how they live.